ST44 Nei Ting
Stomach Meridian
Sore Throat
on the conditions above for a point prescription.
Excess Heat
on the acupuncture points above for images of location
and meridian.
Sore Throat Excess Heat |
Clears Heat from the stomach. |
Severe sore throat, flushed face, congestion of eyes, mouth ulceration, high fever, thirst desiring for drinking, constipation, scanty urine, red tongue body, yellow coating and rapid slippery pulse. |
Add GV14 for fever, LI11 to clear heat, add TE6 and ST25 for constipation, LU10 for excessive Lung heat, add CV22 for cough. |
Selection: |
LI1 Shang Yang
On the radial side of the second digit, 0.1 cun from the corner of the nail bed. |
Metal Yang. Jing Well Point on the Large Intestine Channel. Metal Point on Metal Meridian. |
Clear Stomach Fire |
LI4 He Gu
On the dorsum of the hand, approximately at the midpoint of the second metacarpal bone, in the belly of the first interosseus dorsalis muscle. Contraindication: Do Not Needle If Pregnancy is known or suspected |
Union Valley. Yuan Source Point on the Large Intestine Channel. Command Point of the Face and Mouth. |
Clears fire from stomach. |
LU5 Chi Ze
At the elbow, in the cubital crease, in the depression lateral to biceps brachii tendon. |
Cubit Marsh. He Sea Point on the Lung Channel. Water Point on Metal Meridian. |
Clears Lung Heat, resolves phlegm. |
ST44 Nei Ting
On the dorsum of the foot, at the proximal end of the web between the second and third toes. |
Inner Court. Ying Spring Point on the Stomach Channel. Water Point on Earth Meridian. |
Clears fire from stomach. |